
I eat food.



Foodmono up to 9/29/2024

Questionable Asian Edibles. QAE?


oh giddy!! what the ittai da yo is this?!


Laydohs and gentohs I have you a double feature post for this lovely tonight, tomorning or tonoon!

the one pic with the purple tray of cheap sushi, so fun eating some artifically coloured spicy mayo

on me half raw half cooked rolls, had a lil' kimchi on the side to help digest this stuff.

now the more interesting part of this meal is the miso soup.

I've added, roasted seaweed,

eggs with mirin, sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, and curry powder

the miso paste went with kimchi also in the soup rice vinegar could of been added too maybe.

Goes well with convenient store sushi indeed.

Now for the monstrosity on the cozy low mini table Nothing like listening to cheesy 80's chicago

with under utilized synths (The 70's chicago band was better in my opinion,

since they actually sung about more interesting things besides going on a date under the star lit moon bull crapo.)

It elevated the experience. I had chinese a few days ago and thought to soak egg roles in dumpling soup.

poured some soy sauce, mirin, and orange sweet sauce and you have your self a savory sweet cavity

that is far more easily obtained with the help with stale cheader flavored bagged popcorn.

I swear the stuff tastes good but is the

biggest threat to your teeth if you don't chew softly, carefully,

and slowly like a Gemantic king during the fall of the holy germantic empire without a jester

on your side since he too have joined the resistance

and you are left to worry if you have to carry dogs half naked around a castle after human

manipulated primal instincts made em' try another and new hard to maintain

socail structure that will also soon decay to this day!

but atlas! My teeth are fine because I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and not with my socks.

also was fun eating like an Japanese housewife drinking berry flavored bubbly drinks in a tea cup.

okaasan probs be eating grilled fish with a salad and pickled side dish

but hey! A man gotta pretend to be a bored

Japanese housewife someway! Let me live my specific dream!!

Foodmono up to 9/21/2024

Cordon Bleu on a plate of cheesy curry.


So I got myself curry powder finally. Took me forever to get myself some of that yummo powder

even so I'm a big savory saucy fan. I swear curry powder makes certain food just more fun to eat.

Oh what's that lump ontop of that that dish that looks like babby food? It's a cooked chicken cordon bleu!

Not just any cordon bleu! A frozen oven bake cordon bleu from a cousin that forgot to get his frozen goodies back

after he got his power back, and after a few weeks he called and said to just keep the buggers in your freezer.

so here I am with this thing eating it. It tasted good. the curry was a potatoe, onion, and goat cheese curry

made with a parsley, tricoloured bell peppers, and cashew puree. I added some pepper jack cheese too

the buttered toast is jalepenos and straight from Cheddar England Cheddar cheese sourdough bread.

I really am a b big fan of the dish, but the swiss cheese in the cordon bleu did not mix well with the curry.

The more mellow pepper jack and goat cheese elevated it but the swiss cheese was way to rounded in flavor

I added some micro fresh chicken breast chunks too in the curry mix to make it more savory and to help with texture

A good lunch that made me really full. Cozy warmth too with Autumn being here and seeing the leaves change

I should of tried some chestnut creamer and pumpkin spiced chai with this too!

Foodmono up to 3/2/2024

I'm always eating. o[o//[FOOD]

Geography with frozen tenderies and processed fries


You see Antartica and South Amarica as land masses get along with eachother so-quite well

that they use black magick to turn one out of chicken tendies into either a shape of South America or vaguely shaped as

the Mercator projection of the calendrically warped strechin' of antartica. God bless this little meal I'm about to eat

and forgive me lord, as I am about to eat a land mass that symbolically represents 400millionish anthropic entities.

(plus some tentative tented researchers on the frozen land mass that have research labs that can brew a mighty fine moccha.)

then again lord, thou I am not what I should I feel bad when this is merely just batted dead deboned rib and breast meat of

avian that have been selectively breed to be very muscular for better proffit gains that need

to be cooked in a non-South American oven at some given time and temps? you said no lord? ah okay, I see lord, amen.

bon app computer teet indeed!

Foodmono up to 2/20/2024

I'm always eating. o[o//[FOOD]

Cheezee burritoroni in a tiny lil' cup


Yep. It's real, it is true, is this the future of eatery? probabbly and hopefully not.

Is this some sort of modern avant-garde statement? No I don't regurgitate the regurgitated, I cook and eat the cooked.

Is this a traditional mexican burrito? No, I added balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, and everything bagel seasoning.

Let's end this on a positive note with a positive reply. Did the recepticle worked as a good recepticle and acepted the burrito,

while also helped retaining some of the heat, longer than average? Yes.


Foodmono up to 9/22/2023

Japanese Curry take 2


Japanese curry with furikake, seaweed, wasabi, and sriracha sauce. A good mix, Japanese mayo goes good with it too.

had my retro soda cup with me too. Tbh Japanese curry is a pain to make so I barely make it, I always make sure

to have a crap ton of left overs, my eyes were in so much pain even after trying so much tips and tricks

I've recently found out that you need to avoid cutting the tips and possibly the center part in total.

But any ways Japanese curry is a savory nice treat that I just love to eat on a cozy winter day.

Also Jap-curry bread is good as heck too, but man it's weird, the one I tried was really sweet yet savory

Like not savory sweet, desert sweet, it's not gross, just weird yet tasty as it tastes like a desert while having savory

dinner Ingredients.

Picture perfect Tacos, hopefully for my tastebuds too.


This is a picture of the best looking homemade tacos I've ever constructed imo atlease. I think my opinion matters atlease?lolidk.

I mostly eat with corn tortillas but flour tortillas are good still, have to have cilantro with my mexican food

I marinated el chicken for hours before cooking and I had red peppers and onion. queso fresco goes good with tacos in general too.

but alas... I didn't have any. Atlease I had some yummy gauc with it! I'm a big chicken fan just due to how well it takes spices

& due to how easy it is to keep chicken juicy. Overall I have no idea when I had this! :D But based on this pic...

I assume it was pretty good.

tasty mexican sweets, not so sweet workers at the mexshop


speaking of tacos later in my life I went to a Mexican store!

this is a picture of me trying out mexican pastery for the first time!

Drinking some cream infused black tea with Mexican pastery (Green tea goes best with asain treats for me.)

The twisty pink pastery tastes the best honestly, flakely and fluffy! the white frosted pastery just taste like those

cheap value store hamburger buns that has all of those perservasives yet magicly obsolescence themselves

to a moldy death to the trash can with some mild sweet frosting. I went to a mexican grocery store and the place

was not the most sanitary, saw raw meat just hanging around in a tub with flys doing areo acrobatic dances

and the cashier chick had the ugliest fake inch long eye lashes and two inch long fake nails, yuck

the male workers looked kinda sketchy and scummy too...

On a positive note, the marinated chicken burritos were pretty good atlease, the best so far actually!

Copier et Pâté !


Eating some friggin' salmon Pâté with soy sauce wasabi seaweed sheets on bakery bread. No I have not had a concussion.

Hear me out. I watched a lot of japanese cafe (kissaten(s)) videos and they always have a lot of nice small side dishes

with their coffees or teas, I had coffee with cream and organic sugar to make me feel slightly healthier.

Randomly I had a package of seaweed snacksheets along with me as I went to a resturant with my family and tought of trying

this concoction as seen in this photo since it makes sense. People, a la sushi have fish and seaweed all the time

so how is it much diffrent in a creamy french buttery fish paste? It felt so cool and elegant trying this out.

The resturant is semi fancy too, so it help with the atmosphere, the coffee and cream went well with it too.

I tried both toast and bread versions of this. The toast was good but I think using un toasted bread made it more

fun to eat. Personally I'm a big fan of just putting butter on bread without toasting it. It makes the butter more

moist and buttery tasting since it helps accentuate that taste and texture when you have moister coming along the ride.

as for what my main dish was, idk,¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry didn't took a photo, I'm not one of those people who want to post

EVERYTHING I eat and post it online, yeah funny since I'm posting food online, but I do like to keep some stuff private.

But to keep it semi quick, I really love that kissaten vibe from doing this and enjoying some french Pâté by it self

(It was my first time trying Pâté, was pretty good!)

Foodmono 2/7/2023

I'm always eating. o[o//[FOOD]

Kookie Kukkia


Nothing like some Japanese style waffer cookies and some Japanese green tea!

To be honest, I wish they either made the wafer smaller or added more fillings and gave me less cookies for the same price.

Since these buggies crack so easily. Any ways these are cozy to eat while doing random gamer stuff on retroarch

or with a cozy book and/or listening to some shibuya-kei! Goes well with RGBs and a lava lamp too!

Foodmono 2021

I'm always eating. o[o//[FOOD]

lolwut curry, seriously what is this?


Update March 28 2021: With some Strawberry Lemonade and a little side of humous with a weird flat bread thingy

involving cheese sticks being cut up and sprinkled on top of crushed tikka masala potato chips,

green onion, coconut greek yogurt, and all on a tortilla shell

(Anyone remembering making cheap tortilla shell pizza as a kid?

I've always thought of them as gross; since store bought peperoni mixed with all the other cheap stuff

and the weird tortilla shell tasted nasty.)

Oh I forgot to say also that I had tikka masala with rice,

and with a tiny thin drawing of sriracha on the rice too.

tasted good and I had a lot of left overs

Grilled Cheese Burger


Update March 28 2021: literally a grilled cheese with a sandy cheeks wish combinded with a cheese burger.

(cheese burger + grilled cheese.) I thought of this while looking at other family members

in the house making a grilled cheese sandcastle at wish.com with tomato soup.

The sandwich had a seasoned burger patty, pickles, tomato, onion, safe yet old lettice, cheese and mayo;

and all made on a pan like a grilled cheese sandwich. had to cook the burger first though.

I was quite surprised on how well the structural integrity was kept after adding a bunch of random burger crap.

(I now want to play the burger time game on Mame/arcade or NES. after writting this.)

I had coleslaw left over from my coney island diner that I had a few days ago,

so I had that with the GC (Burger) it was a nice pairing with some cheap tomato soup too.

Barely any soup was left but I didn't need much, just wanted something with the sandwich.

Looking at the sandwich now, I get a cozy diner vibe from this. or a Hospital cafe vibe too.

Hope you all a good day.

More To Come and many More to do in the world of Maru!